Successful port marketing cooperation
The German seaports are the driving forces of German and European foreign trade. Every year, they handle around 300 million tons of goods, from A as in Automobile to Z as in Zinc. They are the gateway to international markets and have an ideal geographical location in the heart of Europe. They can offer excellent connections on land and sea to all major economic locations throughout the world. They work quickly, reliably and efficiently and boast excellently developed infrastructure, comprehensive expertise in the logistics and transport sectors, as well as a highly qualified workforce.
Accordingly, the seaports play a key structural and macroeconomic role for the entire German economy as well as the neighbouring European countries.
Communication and marketing platform as a contribution to the marketing of German ports
In view of the international competition between the different ports, it is essential to strengthen the position of the German seaports and make the most of their location and competitive advantages. A harmonised communications and marketing platform which represents all the North German coastal regions and ports can make a major contribution towards increasing the efficiency of the German ports’ marketing activities.
The port marketing organisations of the federal states which border the North German coast, i.e. Bremen (bremenports GmbH & Co. KG), Hamburg (Hafen Hamburg Marketing e.V.), Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (Landesverband Hafenwirtschaft Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V.), Lower Saxony (Seaports of Niedersachsen GmbH) and Schleswig-Holstein (Gesamtverband Schleswig-Holsteinischer Häfen e.V.), therefore cooperate under the umbrella brand “German Ports” when planning and executing joint stands at selected trade fairs outside Europe, e.g. in South America, China and the USA, and also publish a joint information brochure entitled “German Ports Guide”.