Port charges
We invest continuously – and wholeheartedly – in the maintenance and upgrading of the ports in Bremen and Bremerhaven. In order to remain competitive and conform to technical standards; to act efficiently and continue to offer secure jobs in future. The public charges that are levied for using the ports play an important part in enabling these investments. The legal basis for all charges is Bremen’s Schedule of Port Charges. Every vessel that calls at the ports of Bremen and loads or discharges cargo here has to pay a charge that depends on the size of the vessel (gross tonnage), the vessel type, activity and trade area, as well as a variable basic charge.
bremenports levies the charges on behalf of the Senator for Science and Ports. The charges include expenses for certain port service providers, such as the pilots or the assigned waste companies in Bremen and Bremerhaven. Our aim is to organise the billing process as quickly and smoothly as possible. We also collect data in order to learn more about trends at the ports so that we can advise the politicians and port business enterprises on any questions that crop up..
Since 1 January 2012, the Federal Land of Bremen introduced an environmental component as part of the tonnage charge. This is based on the ESI, or Environmental Ship Index, an international standard which enables a comparison of the emissions of seagoing vessels. Shipowners and shipping companies can apply for an ESI score for their vessels by entering all the relevant data on our website. The ships then receive certification which serves as the basis for granting an environmental discount on the tonnage charge.
The ESI principle is simple: vessels with low emissions pay a lower tonnage charge than vessels which pollute the environment to a greater extent. The reference figures for the ESI are the recommended limits for nitrogen and sulphur oxides specified by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO). The ship is then classified according to its ESI score which is based on these figures. If the vessel also has a noise measurement report to reduce its noise emissions, additional points are credited.
The following is an extract of the regulations that apply in Bremen:
ESI (Environmental Ship Index) discount
A total of 25 vessels with the best ESI scores ≥ 45 points per quarter receive a discount of 15 per cent for each call at the ports of Bremen, up to a maximum of 4500 euros. Several vessels can share the same rank. The discount is granted at the end of the year. Applications can be submitted by the party liable for payment of the port charges. Upon a request the figures are verified by bremenports. A vessel which is granted an LNG discount is not also entitled to an additional ESI discount. Vessels which also have a noise label which is entered in the ESI database receive an additional 20 ESI points.
LNG discount
Vehicles powered solely by LNG or methanol and which have an ESI SOx score of >98 receive a discount of 20 per cent per port call, up to a maximum of 6000 euros. The discount is granted at the end of the year. Applications can be submitted by the party liable for payment of the charges. The figures are verified by bremenports. A vessel which receives an ESI discount is not also entitled to an LNG discount.
The discount is granted at the end of the year. The figures are verified by bremenports on application (to be submitted to later than 31 March of the following year). For details of this regulation please refer to the currently applicable Schedule of Port Charges.
Environmental discount for inland waterway vessels:
Inland waterway vessels receive a discount of 10 per cent on the port charges per port call if they outperform the Stage II emission limit specified by the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine (CCNR) (CCNR Protocol 19, Resolution of the Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine dated 11 May 2000) or Stage V pursuant to Directive (EU) 2016/1629 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 September 2016 laying down technical requirements for inland waterway vessels, amending Directive 2009/100/EC and repealing Directive 2006/87/EC (NRMM Directive (EU) 2016/1629 (OJ L 252 of 16 September 2016, P. 118). The NOx score must be at least 65% above the permissible values pursuant to CCNR II and NRMM Stage V. The score is calculated on the basis of the propulsion engine of the vessel concerned in the lowest category. Proof must be submitted to the bremenports office responsible for port charges in the form of an explicit, comprehensible and valid certificate.
If you would like detailed information about the port charges, we advise you to consult Bremen’s Schedule of Port Charges. Alternatively, you can use our Port Charges Calculator to calculate the charges yourself. Our colleagues will also support you by telephone if needed.