Professionals from more than 90 countries will get together at the FRUIT LOGISTICA in Berlin from 5 to 7 April 2022 to present their products, services and technical solutions. This event is regarded as the leading trade fair for the global fruit trade.
As in previous years, the ports of Bremen will be represented at a stand organised by bremenports. In the last few years, more than 75,000 trade visitors regularly attended the event and the organisers hope that this year’s figures will be equally good.
Attendance at the FRUIT LOGISTICA marks the start of a large number of marketing activities by the port management company bremenports in 2022.
The highlight for the ports of Bremen will be attendance at the Breakbulk Europe from 17 to 19 May in Rotterdam, where 15 companies from the breakbulk sector will present their corporate portfolios at the joint stand.
In autumn, this will be followed by trade fair appearances at the Breakbulk Americas in Houston and the transport logistics in Miami. The latter will be planned in cooperation with our marketing colleagues from Hamburg and Lower Saxony.
The Short Sea Shipping Days in Lübeck, the Coral Reef Symposium in Bremen and the German Hydrography Conference in Bremerhaven round off the provisional trade fair schedule.
In addition to its appearance at these fairs, bremenports is also planning a number of new activities which will be carried out in the course of the year. All customers and everyone else interested in the ports of Bremen can look forward to an important event in early summer: the website has been completely revamped and will then be relaunched with all you need to know about all aspects of the ports of Bremen. This rolls out the new brand presentation of the ports of Bremen.
Ronald Schwarze, Marketing Manager at bremenports, comments, “We are pleased that this relaunch will bring the website of the ports of Bremen and bremenports in line with the latest technical standards. This is the first step towards a significantly improved online presence of the ports of Bremen.”
Customers in the hinterland of the ports of Bremen need no longer wait for a direct line to the ports of Bremen. Neuss (28 April), Leipzig (7 July), Vienna (15 September) and Stuttgart are the next venues where large numbers of the port community from Bremen and Bremerhaven will get together to consolidate and develop their customer relations.
Further information about the above marketing activities is available at or can be requested by mail ([email protected])