‘Mein Schiff1’ ends its short stay in Kaiserhafen

After a short stopover at the shipyard, the ‘Mein Schiff 1’ left Kaiserhafen again today (Wednesday, 2 March 2022) and tied up at Columbus pier.

But before she could do so, she had to complete a tidal lock manoeuvre through the 305-metre long Kaiserschleuse lock again. With a length of 315 metres, the ‘Mein Schiff 1’ is the largest vessel to date to pass through the lock from the River Weser into Kaiserhafen with the tide. Because the vessel is longer than the lock itself, both lock gates had to be opened for the vessel to pass through. It was not only the lock passage itself, which was handled by bremenports and Bremen Port Authority, that made this a special event, but also the fact that the manoeuvre was carried out with passengers on board.

The new ‘Mein Schiff 1’ replaced her predecessor of the same name in 2018 and is around 20 metres longer than the other vessels in the TUI Cruises’ fleet.

Between 2007 and 2011, Kaiserschleuse was thoroughly refurbished and enlarged to a passage width of 55 m and a length of 305 m so that it could accommodate the increasingly large vessels and ensure access to the port areas behind the locks in case of breakdown or maintenance work on one of the two locks. The lock gates are 57 metres long, 23 metres high and nine metres wide.

Here is the video

Mein Schiff1 Hafeneinfahrt

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